Program Description

Meditation Sessions (20-minutes each)

Each session will focus on a different element (earth, fire, water, air, sound, light).  The practice moves participants from the outside world (external stimulation) to the inside world (connection to self).  The sessions begin with setting up posture/comfortable seat, then breath awareness; generally looking at 3 parts of the breath (no changing, just witnessing), then refining the breath into sama vritti breathing (balanced breathing 1:1 ratio) followed by a guided meditation (incorporating the aspects of earth, fire, water, sound, and light), and a brief closing.

Week 1: Ground and Release (Earth & Light)

Week 2: Empowered Positivity (Space/Air & Fire)

Week 3: Vitality & Strength (Sound & Water)

Have a quiet space and a chair or meditation cushion available. Option for in-person or virtual facilitation.

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Angie Clark

Angie Clark